Interview with Skinny

1. Vanessa: Can you describe in a few short sentences the daily routine on tour?
(from morning to night)
Skinny: I wake up at 2 PM, walks into the venue to grab some breakfast. If it's not an industrial area I try to get some sightseeing done before I drink my first beer around 4 PM.
Dinner is usually around 6-7, then straight to make up.
When the show is over I'm the first one out with the fans getting really drunk and pass out in the bus at 4 AM
2. Vanessa: What do you like mostly about touring?
Skinny: I'm a rather social guy so I like having beautiful girls around me
I get to see parts of the world I probably never would have seen if it wasn't for touring.
The main thing is of course the show itself, every night is a new challange.
3. Vanessa: What not?
Skinny: Industrial areas, when we get bad food, if there's no showers and only one public toilet in the whole venue.
4.Vanessa: With which band would you like to go on tour?
Skinny: Hayseed Dixie
5.Vanessa: For the first time you have played in Luxembourg,had you fun there and do you belief that you´ll come back soon to this country?
Skinny: Like everytime we play a new country I have no expectations.
I have to say that Luxenburg was a positive surprice. The promotors were amazing, the venue was nice, the crowd was good and yes we're coming back to Luxenburg with the next album.
6. Vanessa: Were there any embarrassing situations, that have remained with you to this day in recollection from the tour or from everyday life?
Skinny: I'm probably doing embarrassing stuff all the time but I'm to stupid to realize. Let's put it this way: "It's ok, I'm from Sweden".
7. Vanessa: How did you come to your nickname Skinny Disco?
Skinny: I changed my name legally to Skinny four years ago since everyone but my mother has been calling me that the last 10 years.
When I just joined Deathstars me and Whiplasher were out swinging our legs in the clubs of Stockholm, he saw my skills and immediately came up with the name Disco.
8. Vanessa: Do you have any brothers and sisters?
Skinny: Three brothers and one sister. All of them are younger but smarter than me.
9.Vanessa: Do you pursue any sports in your free time? And if so which sport / sports?
Skinny: I'm not a big sportsfan but everything that goes with a beer is nice. Fussball, Pool, Dart and Bowling.
10. Vanessa: What is your life’s motto?
Skinny: There's a thing called "Hippophobia". It's a word used for people that has fallen off a horse and are scared of riding again. The best way to cure this is of course to get back on the horse as soon as possible.
It's just like me...
If I fall off a barstool I try to get back up on it right away.
11.Vanessa: How many tattoos do you have and what do they mean?
Skinny: I have 5 tattoos and they're nothing but memories.
12. Vanessa: If you had 3 wishes what would they be?
Skinny: A beach house somewhere warm.
A white Rickenbacker Bass
All the beautiful girls in the world.
13. Vanessa: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?
Skinny: If you see me leaving a drink unattended, don't hesitate to put something in it
Vanessa: Thanks for your time!
Interview with Whiplasher

1. Vanessa:Hello Whiplasher! Nice to meet you! How are you doing?
Whiplasher: I´m really fine thanks!
2.Vanessa: After the summer festivals you want fly to New York for making the new album,is that right?
Whiplasher: Yes we're going to record it over there. But I don't think we can start the recording before September/October. But it will be the best album ever! 
3.Vanessa: And have you got any plans for the new DVD?
Whiplasher: Yes! This or next year we want bring a DVD out. We have a lot of stuff for it! But more details are secret!
4.Vanessa: Do you have beside music a other job?Or is music your only job which you make?
Whiplasher: Only music, baby! But I sometimes also work as a TV-producer in Sweden. I really miss that job now, but you can't be everywhere.
5.Vanessa: When have you start to sing?
Whiplasher: Have sung in different bands for 15 years.
6.Vanessa:Have you got pets?
Whiplasher: No.I have no time for that!
7. Vanessa: 3 things you can´t live without?
Whiplasher: Death,Females and Darkness
8. Vanessa: How did you get in contact with Cat?
Whiplasher: We actually woke up together one morning and after having good sex i asked him if he could play a guitar. The answer was "yes of course" we went to the rehearsal room together.
Vanessa: Thanks for the interview !
Whiplasher: You´re welcome!